Harper and Margaret, I hope one day you find this and you know Stepbob loves and misses you so very much. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you guys. When I made the decision to leave Mommy I never made the decision to leave you guys. The plan Mommy and I made was for Sybbie and I to come spend time with you guys once a month after I moved out. Mommy and I sat down for many hours one day and carefully planned Stepbob’s moving out and how often Sybbie and I would visit you guys. I don’t know why that plan didn’t happen. I don’t know why you haven’t been allowed to talk to me or any of my family since then, but I hope you know none of this is your fault. Kids should never have loving family members taken away from them, and you all lost a parent and a whole family. My loves, I am so sorry you have had to go through that. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t your fault. I promise you Stepbob and Sybbie (and a whole lot of family and friends) are always waiting for your guys call and looking forward to the day we can be a family again. There are so many people who love and care about you in Columbia and in Kentucky who are willing to answer your call and any questions you may have. Please call or text me any time day or night. Stepbob will always be here for you. My number is 502-885-2436. Love and miss you always.